For children in preparation of First Communion and for those that are over the age of 7 years old and not baptized yet.
Dear Families,
We have adapted a family catechesis program where faith formation will take place within your home and at the parish.
Once again this year we are using a Program called Pathways through Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries a Public Association of the Christian Faithful in the Diocese of Orange. We share their mission to create and provide innovative and relevant resources to assist families in making the home the cornerstone for faith sharing and development. To support and train parents in their role as the primary educators of the faith and to influence the transformation of faith formation structures.
The program at home is self paced and the family meetings at the parish will be once a month.
Baptism is a pre-requisite to the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Religious Education office needs a copy of the child's baptismal record. A parent MUST attend all Sacramental parent meetings as well as the Family Masses each month. Religious Education students must attend all class sessions except in the case of illness or other emergency. MASS ATTENDANCE IS VITAL AND REQUIRED! This is a two year formation program and both years are required.